Holy Shit - a journey into DIY Biogas poster

Holy Shit - a journey into DIY Biogas - documentary is now live on Youtube

The US DIY biogas community thrives with numerous individual projects tackling the increasingly pressing subject of energy and food independence. "Holy Shit - A Journey into DIY Biogas" is a captivating documentary which portraits the world of… more

Introducing the Jean-Luc - the biogas digester at Beyond Buckthorns

Introducing the Jean-Luc

Since I got dropped into biogas, working with Prof. TH Culhane on different biogas projects, I always wanted to have a biogas system on my own. When I came to Finland I finally got the space to build a biogas digester and then actually experiment… more

Updates from the growing shelf

Updates from the growing shelf

planting, pruning, grafting and building. Check our Easter update.

A shed at Beyond Buckthorns

The Biogas Shed

It is 2017 and my parents were on holidays at Beyond Buckthorns and they told me during a walk that something needs to be done with one of the sheds, especially with the color of the walls, which was already coming off. A confession: the color of… more