A printable Lunar Calendar

Between the years there is usually a lot of time for thoughts, friends, movies, books, projects and all kinds of things. At Beyondbuckthorns we have started to plan the next year, the next gardening season. 

Kevätmessut 2018 Experiences

Better late than never, right? The Kevätmessut fair took place 12. - 15.04.2018 and I am only now writing about it. But I thought it would be a shame not to write, so here it is.

My Deer, Aren't You Pretty and Brave!

On a February day we sat in our office working when suddenly Nick shouts: "Look, a deer!". Indeed it was a deer, walking peacefully on our open front yard, obviously on its way somewhere.

Pickled green tomatoes it is

In March I started to plant a lot of tomatoes. 5 varieties, 8 - 15 plants per variety, planted in pots indoors. It all looked very well in the beginning, the plants where growing, enjoying the sun behind the window. I transferred them into bigger… more

Calendula in the Garden

I have a lot of calendula plants in my garden. Usually too much, as they tend to sow themselves in the fall and rise in the most surprising places the next spring. I let them rise, as they are actually really beneficial plants to have in any… more

One Year Beyond Buckthorns

One year ago today beyondbuckthorns.com said "Hello World!" Unbelievable, right? Time really flies. Like this summer. Since early June we've been kind of waiting for the summer to start, so we can blog… more