Articles tagged with npf
Nordic Permaculture Festival Design - Part Three, Action Phase
Design for the 2022 NPF in Vesilahti, Finland. Part Three, the Action Phase. We have the team, the processes and the technical side set-up, so it is time to get rocking. I describe some problems we encountered in the team and how they were solved… more
Nordic Permaculture Festival Design - Part Two, The Festival Project
Design for the 2022 NPF in Vesilahti, Finland. Part Two, setting up the team for the task, including team building and management with the goal of ethical and principle-based co-creation of the 11th annual Nordic Permaculture Festival. This is… more
Nordic Permaculture Festival Design - Part One, Kick-Off Phase
Design for the 2022 NPF in Vesilahti, Finland. Part One, the process of kicking off the ethical and principle-based co-creation of the 11th annual Nordic Permaculture Festival – a gathering of permaculture people from all the Nordic countries to… more
A taste of Nordic Permaculture – the Nordic Permaculture Festival 2022
In August 2022 the Nordic Permaculture Festival was held in Finland for the 2nd time. Venue was the Kurjen Ecovillage and Rautiala festive house in Vesilahti, close to Tampere.