The recordings of PermaPuheet Volume 4 are now available to the public, offering a valuable resource for those interested in permaculture and sustainable living. This volume includes thought-provoking lectures like the "Digital Permaculture Talk" by Aimee Fenech, Douglas Locklin, and Dominik Jais, as well as "Living in the Forest Garden" with Bernhard Gruber. Recorded during weekly sessions beginning in January 2024, these discussions, along with their interactive Q&A segments, provide a deep dive into the latest ideas in environmental design and sustainable practices. 

For the first time, PermaPuheet Volume 4 was organized in collaboration with the European Permaculture Network. We decided to move on from our previous partnership with Suomen Permakulttuuriyhdistys due to their desire for greater control over the topics and lectures. In the end, we were pleased with how things turned out. The sessions covered a range of fascinating topics, and we gained a great deal from the experience!

If you want to be part of the PermaTalks vol. 5 please submit your lecture now.