Beyond Buckthorns - Permaculture Design Hub in rural Finland

A life beyond sea buckthorns. Permaculture courses, regenerative gardening, agroecology, permaculture design, biogas and food in rural Finland, Pälkäne.

Find more out about us!

BeyondBuckthorns - Permaculture Design Hub in Rural Finland
Dandelion - symbolizing the tenacity of our homestead

Come visit!

All visits must either be part of the course or help us with some tasks.

Please contact us in advance - at least one week before.

Come visit!

A world full of knowledge

Study permaculture!

Are you interested in a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design? Then Nick could be your tutor!

About permaculture tutoring

The world as guest at Beyond Buckthorns - come Wwoofing

Be a Wwoofer!

Wwoof = World wide opportunity in organic farming.

You want to help us in our garden or with projects?

Become a Wwoofer

Support our efforts

In 2022, we founded Vihreä Pourusmäki RY - an association for rural development.

Become a supporting member

Curriculum was super intensive yet balanced and filled with lectures, theory, lots of practice, lots of groups discussion, which helped us really get along with each other.

Mariia, PDC participant 2023

From the garden

Nordic Permaculture Festival Finland 2022

Food forest in Zone 1 at Beyond Buckthorns

Traditional painting with friends and family

DIY Biogas movie

Holy Shit - a journey into DIY biogas - movie poster

In 2023 Nick released his documentary "Holy Shit - a journey into DIY biogas". Follow him visiting several key figures in the DIY Biogas movement in the United States. Learn about DIY biogas. Get inspired!

Find out where to watch

Latest news

Lumia in the snow

Lumia's getting her Diploma!

I'm finishing my Diploma pathway and I'd love to celebrate it with all of you! Please join the online event via the PermaTalks or sign up here.

AI generated of an image of a person walking on a path

Thoughts about Artificial Intelligence in permaculture in context of the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design

In 2021 I came across generative AI, first image, then text. This article is for my colleagues, the tutors at the Permaculture Association Britain in order to give them some insights into my thoughts about AI.
This article was co-written by Lumia and Dominik and are our shared thoughts.

The age of Digital Permaculture

Digital Permaculture book cover

Digital Permaculture extends the current understanding of permaculture into the digital space. Follow Nick on his journey where he explorers how personal digital sustainability can be achieved using permaculture design. On ~352 pages he will guide you through one big permaculture design. Learn about IT and permaculture design at the same time!

Find out more about the book


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Nick and Lumia

About us and our permaculture design hub

Beyond Buckthorns is a permaculture design hub and education centre. In the past years, we have worked on the old log house and its three-hectare plot in accordance with sustainability, esp. the principles of permaculture.