This July, we hosted the course "Introduction to Permaculture" in Finnish again. Designed for those new to permaculture, the course aimed to teach practical solutions for sustainable living. This second edition was a great success, attended by 11 participants from across Finland.

Theory and practicals combined

The course began on Saturday morning with a welcome circle to go over practicalities and get to know each other. After the introductions, we moved on to theory, covering the history, principles, and ethics of permaculture. The first day's program also included observation exercises, basic soil care lessons, and themes such as energy and water. The day ended with a feedback session where we reviewed the day's learnings and introduced another permaculture analysis tool. Some participants stayed overnight, enjoying an evening of sauna.

Sunday started with a welcoming circle and some observation exercises. The morning focused on social permaculture and how to apply permaculture to personal life. As a practical exercise, participants created a lasagna bed in the garden, concretizing the learned principles. The afternoon delved into permaculture design, both in theory and practice. We concluded with a discussion on how to apply the learned principles in the future, sharing useful resources and connections. The course ended with thanks and feedback collection.

A weekend full of lovely discussions

Based on their feedback, the participants were very satisfied with the course content and its organization, particularly appreciating the practical exercises and design tasks that helped them understand how to apply permaculture principles in their daily lives and gardens. The discussions were lovely and everyone was learning from each other. 

Thank you to all participants, plus Dominik and Kaz for the delicious lunches and bottomless coffee! The "Introduction to Permaculture" course will likely be available in our course calendar again next year.