Articles tagged with nutrient cycle

From plans to build - a Kontiki kiln for charcoal making

In order to close the loop of my biogas systems outputs I thought of a mixture of shit, piss, effluent and charcoal some years ago. The only missing component was until recently the charcoal. Charcoal making is an art on its own, especially if… more

Building the poop palace - an integrated composting area

Flushing our shit with clean drinkable water down the toilet to an entity that then separates shit from water in order to make our water drinkable again isn’t really sustainable or? There must be better ways around, especially something that is… more

Biogas Part 3 - food, storage and usage

Last part of the Biogas article originally written for Elonkehä. I suggest to read part 1 then part 2 before the article below. 

Biogas Part 2 - the DIY digester and process values

Part 2 of our 3 part biogas series. If you haven't read part 1 we suggest to read part one first and then come back here. 

Biogas Part 1 - the Basics

In 2017 I wrote an article for Elonkehä about Biogas. The article was first written in English and then translated by Lumia into Finnish. Find this article devided into 3 parts here at Beyondbuckthorns.

We Built Our Own Biogas System

After the successful Biogas workshop at the Parainen permaculture we scheduled another Biogas workshop. This time at our own premises: the Beyond Buckhtorns Permaculture. We had plans to build this DIY Biogas system… more

Biogas Workshop at the Parainen Permaculture

On the weekend of the 28th of April Lumia and I drove down to the Parainen Permaculture, better known as Päivärinteen permakulttuuritila. I was invited by Lotta, who is the owner of the permaculture farm, to run a biogas workshop.