SWOC (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Challenge) is a structured framework for analyzing and planning in permaculture. By identifying strengths (what works well), weaknesses (areas for improvement), opportunities (potential benefits), and challenges (obstacles or risks), this tool provides a holistic view for decision-making. SWOC encourages strategic thinking and helps refine designs or projects for greater resilience and sustainability.

Articles tagged with SWOC

Communications at the Finnish Permaculture Association

The idea for this design started in 2017 during a meeting of the Finnish Permaculture Association. When I became chairman of the board in 2019 I was in a unique position. The association was in transition towards sociocratic circular method. The… more

Templating a workshop

Designing a biogas workshop that can be delivered over and over again. Creating a workshop blueprint.

Permablitz designCamp

In early 2020 we bought the neighbors 0,5ha pine forest / recreational spot that was years back sold to them by Lumia's, my wife’s parents. The neighbors wanted to sell and for us it was a good opportunity to buy. Lumia then started the process… more

Welcome to the PermaCafe

Over the past years the Finnish permaculture association used all kinds of different tools and processes to get members involved. The following design used permaculture ethics and principles to introduce a new social design tool called PermaCafé… more

Introducing the Jean-Luc

Since I got dropped into biogas, working with Prof. TH Culhane on different biogas projects, I always wanted to have a biogas system on my own. When I came to Finland I finally got the space to build a biogas digester and then actually experiment… more

The Biogas Shed

It is 2017 and my parents were on holidays at Beyond Buckthorns and they told me during a walk that something needs to be done with one of the sheds, especially with the color of the walls, which was already coming off. A confession: the color of… more