Permaculture design is a systematic approach to planning and creating sustainable land-use and agricultural systems using the ethics, principles and practices of permaculture. Permaculture design involves understanding and working with the natural characteristics of a specific site, such as its climate, soils, water resources, and existing vegetation, to create a productive and sustainable system.

Social design is a branch of permaculture that focuses on the application of permaculture principles and practices to the design of human communities and social systems. It is based on the belief that the same principles and approaches that are used to create sustainable and productive land-use systems can also be applied to the design of human communities and social systems.

Articles tagged with Design

Catching the rain

At Beyond Buckthorns we have our own well. It is 12 – 13 meters deep and is connected to a pump that starts when there is demand. Well water is our drinking and washing water. In 2017 we got hit by 2 droughts. Both together made it necessary to… more

Hacking an IKEA Lack table the Permaculture way

I’m on my way in preparation for the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design and therefore always have the principles and also the OBREDIM process in mind. Some of the designs of the Diploma will be about BeyondBuckthorns and our house.