Key benefits & features

Some of the key features of walnuts include:

  1. Nutritional value: Walnuts are a good source of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, as well as fiber, protein, and a range of vitamins and minerals. They are also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect against cellular damage and chronic diseases.
  2. Culinary uses: Walnuts are a versatile ingredient in cooking and baking. They are commonly used as a snack, added to baked goods, used in salads and other dishes, or as a garnish. They can also be ground into a paste to make walnut butter, or pressed to make walnut oil.
  3. Health benefits: Studies have shown that eating walnuts may have a number of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and supporting brain health.
  4. Tree growth: Walnut trees can grow to be quite large, reaching up to 30m in height and having a spread of up to 20 meter. They are relatively hardy and can live for several hundred years.
  5. Harvesting: Walnuts are typically harvested in the fall, after they have fallen from the tree and their outer shells have hardened. They are usually stored in a cool, dry place to prevent spoilage.

Walnuts at Beyond Buckthorns

At Beyond Buckthorns we are experimenting with different walnut cultivars, but none has yet survived the cold winter with -35°C.

Articles tagged with walnut

It's nuts - about growing nut trees in Finland

Over the past few years, nuts and food forests have become some of the trendiest topics in Finland. I'm quite fond of nuts.