Articles tagged with gardening

Growing Hazelnuts in Finland

Hazelnut bushes are lovely deciduous shrubs that are indigenous to Europe and Asia. They are part of the Corylus genus and can grow anywhere from 1.8 to 10 meters in height, depending on the type. These speedy growers usually have a lifespan of…

Our first tomatoes

We bought four small tomato plants from the local grower in June, as Lumia got some vouchers for that shop for her birthday.

I Thinned Out the Carrots - Glog

Yesterday I said I should start thinning out the carrots, so today I did. I thinned out quite a lot and luckily the largest part of the carrots were big enough to take back to the house, prepare and EAT! See my harvest in the header picture.

Creating a Mandala Garden

In June we got some new sea buckthorn plants and around one of them we decided to create a small mandala garden.

Garden Log - a Glog!

Welcome to the first post of our glog - our garden log book for quick and simple updates on what is happening in the garden on a daily basis. This is the tag to follow if you want to know what is going on in the garden beyond… more

Digging the First Potatoes of the Year

On the 11th of June we dug up our first potatoes of the year! It took three plants to give enough potatoes for us to enjoy a fulfilling dinner. The traditional Finnish first potato meal is very simple: boiled potatoes, dill and butter. Delicious… more