Our five year anniversary at Beyond Buckthorns came and went. Five years! It feels long but short at the same time. I guess that's how it just is. Instead of a longer reflection I will just show you how our place is looking now, in beautiful and hot June 2021. Read my thoughts & see the pics below!

Currants and bushes
We've been planting lots and lots of new trees and bushes on the premises. The new ones are not producing yet, but luckily the ones we have keep us in berries for the time being. The currants are already in berry stage and I think from mid-July we'll have lots of tasty red and black currants and other berries to eat and preserve.

Sowing is done
Most of our main annual crop sowing is done. The annual garden is full of vegetables and flowers, and is waiting for only a few late sowings still, like the swedes, turnips, pak choi and daikon radishes. Also the greenhouses and raised beds are pretty much done.

Projects are progressing
We always have lots and lots of projects going on! We work on them bit by bit, and every now and then one will get finished or finished-for-now. Last year I started a design to transform a old pile of branches, ashes and leaves piled on rocks to a kind of a hugelculture-shaped growing area. Last summer the first garden bed was made and worked nicely, and this year we shaped the construct a bit more and created the beginnings of the second/top garden bed. We also managed to get a lot of woodworking done this spring, so that repeating project is also done for this year! Thanks so much to our WWOOFer Álvaro and apprentice Laura for your help with these projects (as well as everything else also!)

Pure beauty of nature
The nature in early summer is so beautiful. The colours are so fresh, the green so light, the flowers so delicate. I just love being able to stop my work for a while, sit down and just smell the air, hear the birds, let my eyes rest on the nearly endless green. This is what I missed in the city the most and if I can have a say, I will never ever give it up again.