Zone 1 in a permaculture design refers to the area that is closest to the center of the design and is typically the most intensively managed and frequently used area. This zone is usually reserved for elements that require the most attention, such as annual vegetables and herbs, small fruit trees, and small animal housing.

Elements in zone 1 should be easy to access and require frequent care, such as watering, pruning, and harvesting. They should also be located close to the home or other main living areas, as they will be used on a daily basis.

Articles tagged with Zone 1

Herb spiral at Beyond Buckthorns

This design is for a herb garden area at Beyond Buckthorns, close to the house. The design follows a V-CEAP design process. The herb garden area is planned for a zone 1 spot very close to the house and under an oak tree. This is Lumia Huhdanpää-… more

Building the poop palace - an integrated composting area

Flushing our shit with clean drinkable water down the toilet to an entity that then separates shit from water in order to make our water drinkable again isn’t really sustainable or? There must be better ways around, especially something that is… more

Building a DIY weather station

Weather stations allow to get different data, like temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, etc. At Beyond Buckthorns we now have one Dominik has built.

Designing a food forest for Zone 1

This design is for a small multi layer garden (forest garden). It shows how easy it is to transform ~ 100 m² with permaculture design into a productive area.

Catching the rain

At Beyond Buckthorns we have our own well. It is 12 – 13 meters deep and is connected to a pump that starts when there is demand. Well water is our drinking and washing water. In 2017 we got hit by 2 droughts. Both together made it necessary to… more

Introducing the Jean-Luc

Since I got dropped into biogas, working with Prof. TH Culhane on different biogas projects, I always wanted to have a biogas system on my own. When I came to Finland I finally got the space to build a biogas digester and then actually experiment… more

The Biogas Shed

It is 2017 and my parents were on holidays at Beyond Buckthorns and they told me during a walk that something needs to be done with one of the sheds, especially with the color of the walls, which was already coming off. A confession: the color of… more