
A taste of Nordic Permaculture – the Nordic Permaculture Festival 2022

In August 2022 the Nordic Permaculture Festival was held in Finland for the 2nd time. Venue was the Kurjen Ecovillage and Rautiala festive house in Vesilahti, close to Tampere.

A modern way into the Permaculture Design Certificate

In 2022 we run our first PDC here at Beyond Buckthorns. Dominik designed it using permaculture ethics and design. Read about observations and the design.

From plans to build - a Kontiki kiln for charcoal making

In order to close the loop of my biogas systems outputs I thought of a mixture of shit, piss, effluent and charcoal some years ago. The only missing component was until recently the charcoal. Charcoal making is an art on its own, especially if…

Building the poop palace - an integrated composting area

Flushing our shit with clean drinkable water down the toilet to an entity that then separates shit from water in order to make our water drinkable again isn’t really sustainable or? There must be better ways around, especially something that is…

Building a DIY weather station

Weather stations allow to get different data, like temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, etc. At Beyond Buckthorns we now have one Dominik has built.

A small reflection on my diploma in permaculture design

On the 13th of November 2021 I had my final presentation for my Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design.

Permaculture design certificate course at Beyond Buckthorns in 2022

After I finished my diploma in applied permaculture design in 2021 I’m now allowed to teach PDCs. Since I’m not sure what kind of PDC is needed, I’m going to offer two different types. For both courses the minimum number of participants is 6 to…